When is Procrastination Not Appropriate? Making a timely decision for your loved ones Alzheimer's Care

  • Making a timely decision - When is it not appropriate to Procrastinate? Click here to Read
  • Dragging out the decision to find the right Care for your loved one with Memory Care needs can be detrimental to their Quality of Life.

    Let's Face it.. we're all busy with our daily lives, work, home upkeep, family... so when our life suddenly changes and Mom or Dad can no longer care for themselves, we may be tempted to ignore the issue and hope it will pass... Memory Issues, Forgetting..are all signs of Dementia.

    Making a timely decision to move your loved one into a Memory Care Community can dramatically impact their sense of wellbeing. The specially trained staff is at their beck and call 24 hours a day, serving up fresh cooked meals, snacks, games and entertainment and most of all, Companionship.

    What Can go wrong when we Procrastinate?

    Loneliness is the most damaging for senior adults living alone at home or with a spouse who needs constant care.

    Cooking becomes a chore and mealtimes are missed so their nutrition needs are not met, resulting in poor health.

    Inactivity leads to muscle mass loss

    Anxiety of becoming lost keeps them indoors and the only interaction may be sitting in front of the TV.. not a good activity!

    Falls are more prevalent when muscle mass is lost due to inactivity and balance becomes an issue.

    Choosing 24 Hour Care in a timely manner can avoid many of these inevitable outcomes.

    Making a timely Decision is essential when it comes to Dad or Moms care.

    We may be tempted to ignore the changes hoping that it will pass, let's face it, something is different when you visit the yard /lawn is not looking like they used to upkeep it. Flower Beds are untidy. The living room is starting to look cluttered. The bed has not been made. Dishes are in the sink and the refrigerator hasn't been cleaned out for weeks.

    All these clues are easy for us to explain away and make excuses for Mom and Dad. Let's be honest! this is not normal and they wouldn't ever leave dishes in the sink. You know your Mom and Dad.

    Dad or Mom are caring less about there personal appearance and have lost a significant amount of weight.

    These are signs that cannot go un addressed, this is the time to act. To get them into a home-like community setting where there basic needs are being cared for. Where they can enjoy three square meals and a tidy environment.

    Companionship is important for mental wellbeing. Especially if Mom or Dad live at home alone. The mental stimulation necessary for maintain a balanced life is missing. They deserve better and we can do the right thing if we act in a timely manner.

    Excuses about what our parents like or the fact that they've lived in the same home for years or that they can't live separately are easy for us to make. The fact is that Mom has aged and Dad does not have the strength to care for her day and night and take care of his own needs.

    Falls are often prevalent in a home environment where parents live alone. Getting a spouse up off the floor is not an easy thing to do. We can't imagine the anxiety our senior parents feel in discussing these issues with their children.

    We can do the right thing, setting our own desires aside in favor of a better decision and a Timely decision to place our loved ones in a professional care environment.

    At Evergreen Cottages we provide assistance with all Activities of Daily Living known as ADL's. Upon admission to one of our Cottages, the Executive Director will go over your loved ones need to create a Care Plan to enrich their wellbeing.

    Last modified on Friday, 31 March 2023 17:48

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    Our focus here is on Caregiver Empathy. A caregiver can be a family member, spouse, child relative or even a distant relative. They could also be someone who is close to the one they are caring for, such as a neighbor or a friend.

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    This assumption ignores the underlying truth about most caregivers who choose to serve our seniors by training for these positions. Most if not all caregivers working in Assisted Living and Memory Care communities have been caregivers to their own loved ones. They have walked their walk, having taken care of an elderly parent, relative or sibling.

    Their experience in doing the family caregiving work voluntarily for many years has an impact on their decision to join the professional caregiving work.

    Caregivers will relate that the fulfillment they derive from caring for seniors is unparalleled in other work they have undertaken.

    Observing these angels at work will reveal the compassion they feel for those they care for. They have chosen this path because of the empathy they feel for others and their caring nature. Giving back to the community is their nature and they do this by sharing their love for your parents and family members. Observing them working will give you a sense of their unwavering passion for seniors.

    We are very fortunate to have an empathetic team of Caregivers that keep Evergreen Cottages at the top of the care pyramid.

    Our Caregivers develop relationships daily with your Loved Ones and are there for them when they need them, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing Loving care with compassion.

    When caring for your loved one, you too deserve the same care and empathy imparted to your loved one. Caring for your loved one can be a rewarding experience, however it is also possible to feel anxious, stressed and worn out from performing your caregiving duties.

    It is okay to find help, particularly if your loved one requires ongoing care for Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia. Seek out the services of trained communities with empathetic caregivers. You will thank yourself that you did.

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    What is Caregiver Burnout?

    Caregiver Burnout is a term used to describe the state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion experienced by one person taking care of another person who needs assistance with daily living activities. Women are more often the primary caregivers for their spouses, family members or relatives who need care. Stress and burnout diminishes the caregivers ability to deliver consistent quality care and affects the person you’re caring for. Your loved one may suffer because of this. It is important to take care of yourself so you can give the best care to your loved one. Recognizing the signs of burnout and using some of these helpful tips is the first step to reverse the inevitable mental and physical exhaustion.

    8 Signs of caregiver burnout

    1. Stress
    2. Anxiety
    3. Exhaustion
    4. Irritability
    5. Trouble concentrating
    6. Trouble sleeping
    7. Poor Health
    8. Having less energy than you had before
    Stressed Woman 2

    Helpful tips on how to avoid Burnout

    • Get Active. Make time for exercise, preferably with a friend. Join an exercise class or engage in healthy activities such as swimming, walking or hiking with a buddy or meet a friend for a game of tennis. Staying active can help you reduce stress levels and anxiety, Perk up your mood and reduce feelings of depression. Exercise, laughter and music all help release the “natural pain killer” chemical Endorphins in your brain. This is a great way to keep balance between the care you give to your loved ones and the care you give yourself.

    • Take a break - Respite. Find time for yourself to recharge your energy since people with Dementia can live for many years with their condition. Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint. Dementia and Alzheimer's can progress very slowly especially when you provide gentle loving care. So take the time you need to care for yourself along the way. Spend time doing something you enjoy. Pamper yourself and book a spa treatment. Eat well, especially leafy vegetables and greens. Get enough sleep whenever you can, and take a short nap in the afternoons or whenever the person you’re caring for is sleeping. Remember that people with Dementia and Alzheimers may sleep for many hours a day, giving you many opportunities to recharge and rejuvenate. Get someone to help you to keep them engaged during the day so they sleep through the night. Use the help when it is available, let others share the responsibility with you.Ask a neighbor or church volunteer to help whenever they can

    • Use relaxation techniques such as; relaxation Meditation - 15 minutes a day letting go of all stressful thoughts; Breathing exercises and stretching. Clearing your mind and taking it day by day will help you better deal with your loved ones needs without becoming overwhelmed. Set a routine for you and your loved one to follow and stick to it. People with dementia respond well to routines which help reduce confusion. Involve your loved one in daily chores like folding the laundry or shelling peas, anything that will help them feel needed will improve their mood and reduce agitation for them and add relaxation to your day. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it is a necessity to avoid such burnouts.
    • Relaxation
    • Seek a support group. Remember staying healthy not only benefits you as a Caregiver but your loved one too. Finding a support group can help you maintain a healthy mental balance. Tell stories: sharing experiences with others going through the same situation can help lower your stress levels by sharing such situations.Learn how others in the group manage similar situations you will be dealing with. Find a support group through your church, local community center or join an online support group. There are so many resources online and on Facebook too.
    • Evergreen Cottages Memory care and assisted living provides 24-hour loving care in a 16 bed residential community - we specialize in caring for people with Alzheimer’s and other Dementia. To schedule a Call or Visit with one of our Experienced Care Manager please call 281-670-9810 - or visit our website www.EvergreenCottages.com

      By: Anthony Serrano the Q.A. coordinator at Evergreen Cottages. His mentor is operations manager Vanessa Trautwein RN. She is an expert in Senior Care and can be reached by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      Resource links

      • https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/real-life-benefits-exercise-and-physical-activity
      • https://www.alz.org/help-support/caregiving/caregiver-health/caregiver-stress
      • https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/caregiver-stress-and-burnout.htm
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